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Showing posts from December, 2019

Animal and Habitat Project

The students have been working on one final project for the habitats and communities unit. This is a group project and done fully in class. They will be presenting it on Friday. If any students will be away first block on Friday please let me know so we can let their group know.

Science Review Sheet

Science review sheets are going home today. I have attached a copy of the review sheet in case it was forgotten at school.

Habitat Test

The Habitat test will be held next Wednesday (December 11). Every science block until then we will start with a quick video review of some of the concepts, then the students will have the rest of the class to either catch up on work or study. A review sheet was given out today but will stay at the school in their science books until Friday so they can study at the school. On Friday they will be sent home for the weekend. Feel free to encourage studying during the week by asking them to review what was discussed in class that day and how humans are impacting different habitats.


Welcome to the Grade 4E class! Here you will find any important information about our classroom and school community. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns you may have.